What is brain dump, and is it for You?

brain dump

I recently read about this method of de-cluttering your mind, called a brain dump.  It encourages you to write down any excess information you’ve been cluttering your mind with in order to leave your brain with more open space to fill with new information.  What is being suggested is that at the end of every day you spend ten minutes writing down all the “stuff” that is unnecessary, or extraneous information so that it’s not floating around in your brain.  If you can’t think of anything to write, just write “I can’t think of anything to write” until the dam opens and you can release the excessive build-up.


I actually think this is like writing down your problems, extraneous thoughts or emotions in your journal.  Once you get things out, you can either stop worrying about them, or come up with solutions to problems.  Or you can just get it out, and stop thinking about it. There are times when we spend way too much time thinking about something that is not really important, but because we’re thinking about that we aren’t as productive as we should be.

That’s what a “brain dump” is.  It’s a way to empty out the unnecessary, useless crap from our minds so that we can focus on the things that are important.  Personally, I just call this journaling, since that seems to do the trick for me.  However, a brain dump can be used to write down important information that you might need later (and perhaps for public use), while a journal is usually private.


However you want to accomplish this, you can decide.  Maybe both ways are good for you.  I do have a notebook where I will write things I might want to use later, and a separate journal for private things.  I do find that once I’ve written “stuff “down, I feel much more grounded in the now.  Let me know if you do some kind version of this in your life, and if it helps you.



2 thoughts on “What is brain dump, and is it for You?

  1. Hi,

    It is an excellent method in dealing with the innumerable distractions of undirected activity

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