February – it May be Short, but it’s Tough!

Why is February such a tough month?  Personally, for me, there is a lot to love about this wintry month – my daughter was born this month – during a snowstorm to be exact – because what else would be going on in February?  But even so, I have a hard time.  I think that cabin-fever starts to strike right around now.  This year has been even more difficult since we’ve been on lock-down for over a year, and there seems to be no end in sight.  I’ve only been to the grocery store, one trip to Walmart, and outside pick-up at the library for over a year and oh yes, I’ve been to the Transfer Station (dump) weekly.

We’ve had either wind-chills in the below zero’s or lots of snow for almost a week at this point, so no daily walks.  Yes, I am getting a little loopy.  Between the cold and the snow, I feel like I’ve had enough, but we still have the rest of the month to get through plus March and April – snowstorms have come through in both March and April – whee!   When will it end?  And, of course the rain and mud are going to appear right after the snow.  See where I’m going with this?  I’m on a loopy loop! 

One of the things that I’ve been using to occupy my time is that I’ve started watching Call the Midwife on Netflix. (I recently finally finished watching Supernatural which left a huge hole in my emotional life).  This has helped, since it gives me a chance to think about something else.  Anything that helps with occupying my mind is great as far as I’m concerned, and of course I’ve still got my nose in as many books as I can.

But, now, after a year of lock-down I am finally getting antsy.  Hopefully the snow and cold will let up so that I can go on my daily walks.  With the vaccine, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, we just have to keep trudging on toward it.  Do you know the quote on trudging from A Knight’s Tale?

So, let’s trudge together – at least in spirit – and try to find the bright side – snow is beautiful, fires in wood stoves are captivating, and cold wind can be refreshing.  See, see?  There is always a bright side.  Trudge on…I’m with you.